城中有間影院叫dollarcinema,位置頗不就腳,是放剛落畫的電影的,但票只賣$2.5($hkd 20),其他影院最便宜也要$10 ($80),於是我與從農場認識的法國小姐決定,周日放棄成百蚊張飛去看伊朗式分居、改到這兒看關於60年化美國黑人女傭故事的the help (也有奧斯卡最佳女配角主演的!)
我:i want one ticket and 1 small coke. how much is it?
男:2 thousand dollars (愛登士家庭式聲線)
我:~ ~ (想笑,但他的樣子仍很嚇人) ok,so how much is it?
男:$4.50. Are you coming here the first time?
我: yes
法:i want a ticket, a coke and a caramel popcorn.
男:good choice, this is 1 thousand dollars
我:(掌握到他的把戲了) oh why does she buy more but cheaper?/
男: because she got taste (指著包爆谷). As this is the first time you come here, I will let you choose anything from here.
我:(已笑到想死) so i want caramel popcorn too.
法:i want one of this (指著最平宜的糖)
男:this you can get 10.
男:we have 3 houses, very unfortunate 2 are big and 1 is small, the film you choose was in the big house before, it waited for you but you don't come, so now it is in the small house. now you can go to the 2 big houses and watch for a while.
接著開門入去「很小」的3號院,發現,原來,是用projector播blue ray dvd的小型家庭影院 (和羅小姐家中的類似),與大學上tutorial的房差不多大,在牆上那兩個比家中電腦旁喇叭更小的喇叭旁,有個比喇叭大10倍的牌、寫著stereo surround sound,我與法國小姐再次竊笑。
當我們與另8位同樣笑不停、相信也是首次入3號院的影迷坐好後,他就把碟放入dvd機中,說:the movie will be started in 5 mins(會考監考員的聲音),and it will last for 2 weeks and 49 hours, in 2 mins i will come back and turn up the volume. if i forget that, you can do it yourself (指著dvd機那個volume扭)。
我會繼續支持他的,但我會儘量確保想看的電影是在1和2號院,希望他會播伊朗式分居。(雖然有花鼠俱樂部,但那兒同時也長播woodty allen的 midnight in paris,品味不錯啊。)