Sunday, July 5, 2015


Asymmetric, poorly calculated shadow, casual handwriting, this is the product of my impatience.

I am not saying I like it anyway because I worked on it. No. It is still very ugly, but there was something interesting from this absolutely unskilled work.

When I was mixing the colour, "Oh what the hack I am mixing? The green doesn't look like glass at all."

When I was working on the reflecting spot, "Come on, it is so awkward, just like a white square."

When I was putting on the outline of the bottle,  "I wish I had not put on the outline. But it is too late now."

Problems were magnified during the process. They led me to treat the sheet even more slovenly. 

The night when I looked at it again, it is still a poorly drawn bottle, but I didn't feel as angry as when I was working on it. 

Maybe that's what people say, "You have a better picture when you look from a distance." 

Someone like Kandinsky could draw a square bottle and argue that you just don't understand the curve in it; for me, I'd better make no excuse and learn the classical way.



  滿地可冬天好凍。但在好凍的冬天中,有超凍、凍但係有陽光、好濕好凍同唔係太凍等等的不同細分。 這二月中的周日,就是落完雪不久但放晴的唔係好凍、不大風、濕度低的上等冬日。 大家宵禁了很久,在家工作和上學已呆掉,所以都湧出去好好玩一下。這段日子滿地可每日新感染人數是三百多,比起最高...