Saturday, January 23, 2016





Gervais並不是首次接觸Inuit學生,於是他嘗試把題目套到他們的日常生活情景中: 「五個人一同去打Beluga鯨魚,如果鯨魚重20斤,那麼每人可以分到幾斤呢?」






Thursday, January 7, 2016

"She can't even bend her leg right"

Mom has bad knee caps for some years, these days she said they hurt again.

I suggested her to do some stretching to relieve.

But showing her the warrior pose, the cat pose would not do, mom wants me to do it WITH her.

For 30 to 50 mins we twist the muscles, the spine and fold ourselves hard every evening.

Face towards the calendar; turn your left foot pointing the window; now twist yourself towards the TV; we describe the direction in a domestic way as mom mixes up left and right sometimes.

But she is making progress. Except some bending movements, her back stays quite straight for someone who is 67 years old.

Gradually I set up Chan's yoga studio; I unroll a yoga mat, turn on the indian yoga music from youtube and an essential oil diffuser. The studio is tiny so sometimes I put my left foot on Milly's bed, or left hand, she has never rejected.

Mum finds that she sleeps better after stretching and urges me to set up the studio every evening.

"This afternoon I saw a woman in the park pulling her own thigh. She can't even bend her leg right!" Wow wow, now we have a stretching critic!


  滿地可冬天好凍。但在好凍的冬天中,有超凍、凍但係有陽光、好濕好凍同唔係太凍等等的不同細分。 這二月中的周日,就是落完雪不久但放晴的唔係好凍、不大風、濕度低的上等冬日。 大家宵禁了很久,在家工作和上學已呆掉,所以都湧出去好好玩一下。這段日子滿地可每日新感染人數是三百多,比起最高...