Monday, July 23, 2012


��夏天珍�F,人就��非常重��。St. John's在七八月每周都有大小���d,�艋\��、民歌��、佐冶街��(即�m桂芳)等等,就是找籍口溜出街吧。�@����中心等同中�h半山那���l街,只消去�纱尉湍苷J路,但五��俱全,��中心的一幅白��,每逢周一晚上就播��影,�@晚惹�碇辽偃�百人自行��同椅子薄被�砜��颍��雒��延^,�蚍N是八十年代文��片the princess bride,但人人投入,非常浪漫啊。


  1. ...give up uplading chinese content to multiply through iPad.

    I want to say, people really treasure summer time when it is john's is the Capital of New foundland. very pretty but very small, places where tourists will be interested are as small as soho in central, just a few streets, yet it is fully equipped, with tons of summer event, festival, street concert...

    yesterday i went to town with the girls working in the coffee house, and found that every monday in july, a movie will be shown by projecting to the white wall of a building downtown. the idea is already great, n it is even romantic when you see more then 300 people bringing their own chairs n blankets to sit n watch the movie, a 80's classic called the pricess bride.

  2. cher, i had the DVD ar, you refused to watch in Tai Hang ja ma! As you wish.....



  滿地可冬天好凍。但在好凍的冬天中,有超凍、凍但係有陽光、好濕好凍同唔係太凍等等的不同細分。 這二月中的周日,就是落完雪不久但放晴的唔係好凍、不大風、濕度低的上等冬日。 大家宵禁了很久,在家工作和上學已呆掉,所以都湧出去好好玩一下。這段日子滿地可每日新感染人數是三百多,比起最高...